Introducing Personal Finance Sunday!

One of the sage saying that is supposed to make people feel better  is “Money can’t buy happiness.” And I have come to realize that I disagreed with the saying. Let me explain myself before I become branded as materialistic. Money is a tool that many get to take for granted. I am guessing the person who said that money can’t buy happiness probably had enough.

Money beyond a certain threshold can not buy you any more happiness than you already have. However below that threshold, money, or the lack of it, can lead to a miserable existence that is governed by worries and anxieties over meeting your basic needs in life. Notice that I said basic needs. I am talking about the things that are at the very bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

It is the acknowledgement of the importance of reaching the threshold and going beyond the threshold that has informed my decision to start Personal Finance Sundays. In the past week, I have spoken about some of my personal finance tips such as spending cash only. In the future, I intend to introduce more articles about personal finance that focuses on good money habits. Writing about good money habits is a way of holding myself accountable as well because I am really at that phase in my life where I need to start building a good base.

Let us go on this journey of actively managing our personal finance together. Tell me know in the comments what kind of articles you would like to read and discuss as part of #PFSundays.


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